If your device is having trouble saving, attaching or uploading photos, there are a few things that you can try to get back on track.
The first thing that could be happening is that you're out of cloud space. The app will tell you if this is the case, which can be verified by logging into the portal and looking at the bottom of the menu (see below). You can address this by clearing old, unnecessary inspections. If you've done so and still have this issue, please Submit a Request.
If you have plenty of space, following our Troubleshooting Guide will help you solve the most common problems associated with this issue: https://help.inspectaride.com/hc/en-us/articles/9391200308116-Troubleshooting-Tips.
If that doesn't help, please submit a ticket with the following information:
- Any messages associated with the error
- If the behavior changes when the device is in Airplane Mode
- Any recent changes to the device