If you need to reset your app data, we recommend re-installing the app. Let's walk through how to do that with minimal friction
Reset Cloud Credentials
First, we'll Reset Cloud Credentials to release your current Device's license so that we don't have to do that through the Portal later.
- From the home screen, tap "Settings"
- From there, scroll down and tap "Reset Cloud Credentials"
- Tap "Yes" to confirm that you want to reset your app's credentials and release the Device license
- From the home screen, tap "Settings"
Uninstall the app
This will vary based on your Device and operating system version. If you're not sure how to do this, we recommend leveraging a search engine and typing "uninstall app on [your device name, no brackets]"
Reinstall the app
Through either the App Store or Google Play store, re-install the InspectARide app.
Reconnect Your Device
Now that you've got a fresh app install, we'll reconnect your Device to your account. This can be accomplished by following the steps in this guide, which basically boils down to, from the home screen, tapping 'Set Up Cloud' from the home screen and logging in with your Portal User's Email and Password: https://help.inspectaride.com/hc/en-us/articles/7923810362644-How-To-Connect-a-Device-to-Your-InspectARide-Cloud-Drive
What If the App Tells Me I Don't Have Enough Devices to Connect?
This probably means that you uninstalled the app before resetting your Cloud Credentials. That's okay! We can fix that by following this guide: https://help.inspectaride.com/hc/en-us/articles/29228113606420-How-to-Remove-a-Device