If you are having trouble taking pictures, here are some things to try/keep in mind:
- Ensure the InspectARide app has the proper permissions to access your camera/photos/storage. Here is a document that shows how to check this: How To Check App Permissions
- Check how much free space your device has. If it is out of space or running very low, it can cause issues when trying to take/save pictures (since there might not be enough available storage on the device for the picture to be stored).
- If you’ve been able to take pictures in the past but are suddenly having issues, restart your device.
- If you are having trouble adding pictures you’ve already taken, check the source you are adding the pictures from. Some devices will allow you to add pictures from local storage, online storage, or a connected storage card. If you are having trouble adding a picture from online storage or a connected storage card, then try adding it from local storage.