Frequently Asked Questions
- Can InspectARide Be Used Offline?
- How Do I Make My Gallery Larger When Selecting Photos From My Devices?
- Why Should I Switch From Paper Inspections?
- What phone/tablet works best?
- What's the difference between standard and compact Reports?
- Why isn’t the VIN scanner scanning? When I use the scanner it only shows a few characters and not a full VIN?
- I’m having issues adding pictures in the app. What should I do?
- How do I hide/remove Templates I don’t need?
- How do I edit a previous Inspection that is saved on the cloud, but is no longer on my Device?
- What is a Template?
- How do I restore a backup?
- I set up a new device but am not seeing my Templates/Vehicles. What should I do?
- Why can’t I give multiple Inspections the same name?
- How to check app permissions?