You can easily set up your vehicles in the InspectARide portal. Doing this makes it fast and easy to inspect vehicles.
The first step is to log in to the InspectARide portal by entering your username and password here:
Once logged in, go to the 'Vehicles' section on the left-hand side.
From here, you can click the "Add" button
Add Vehicle
Clicking "Add" brings up the 'Add Vehicle' box.
Name: The name that will be used when referring to the Vehicle
Group: Informational only; can be used if your vehicles are organized into different Groups
Template: The Template that will be used when conducting inspections of the vehicle
VIN: The Vehicle Identification Number of the vehicle
Click "Save" when you've entered the desired info and are ready to move on
Note that "VINs from recent inspections" will show any VINs that have appeared in recent inspections, but aren't currently Vehicles in your system, making it easy to add new Vehicles as you go! -
Your vehicle will now be added, and you'll be taken to a screen where you can add Vehicle details.
Make sure to click "Save" when you're done!
Note: Some will be automatically populated from the VIN -
Congratulations, your vehicle has now been added! You can add as many vehicles as you want using the same process. The vehicles you add will be available to be inspected in the app.
Add Vehicles By VIN
This way of adding Vehicles allows you to add multiple vehicles at once, populating their details based on data from the VIN. Available tags are shown in gray and will be used as a template for the Vehicle Names.
Name: The name that will be used when referring to the Vehicle
Group: Informational only; can be used if your vehicles are organized into a particular Group
Template: The Template that will be used when conducting inspections of the vehicles
VINs: The Vehicle Identification Number of the vehicle
Note that "VINs from recent inspections" will show any VINs that have appeared in recent inspections, but aren't currently Vehicles in your system, making it easy to add new Vehicles as you go! - Once complete, hit "Save" and your vehicles will automatically be added! You can still edit the vehicle's details by clicking the "Details" button on the main Vehicles view